Sociologia e Comunicação/Estudo 11

The Algorithmic Justice League – UNMASKING BIAS – Joy Buolamwini – MIT Media Lab, 12/12/2016

An unseen force is rising—helping to determine who is hired, granted a loan, or even how long someone spends in prison. This force is called the coded gaze. However, many people are unaware of the growing impact of the coded gaze and the rising need for fairness, accountability, and transparency in coded systems. Without knowing discriminatory practices are at play, citizens are unable to affirm their rights or identify violations. The Algorithmic Justice League aims to:

  1. highlight algorithmic bias through provocative media and interactive exhibitions
  2. provide space for people to voice concerns and experiences with coded discrimination
  3. develop practices for accountability during the design, development, and deployment phases of coded systems.

Projeto de Joy Buolamwini (@jovialjoy) combate discriminação nos algoritmos - Blog do Tarcizio Silva, 09/03/2017 


Does Facebook Even Know How to Control Facebook? – Alexis C. Madrigal – The Atlantic, Oct 31, 2017  –“No one has ever seen a system like this because none has ever existed. It’s software and interfaces and tools. It’s a social network. It’s an advertising vehicle. It’s the key media distributor. But, like a city or a nation, it’s also human behaviors, habits, norms. Because much of it is built on machine learning, which transforms user behavior into new software adjustments, users and algorithms drive each other by design…If everyone stops clicking on something, soon the software will stop showing it to anyone. If Facebook pushes video into feeds, people will watch more video. These feedback loops are what Facebook is as an attention-gathering machine. “

Data-Mining 100 Million Instagram Photos Reveals Global Clothing Patterns - by Emerging Technology from the arXiv - June 15, 2017

Imagine a future anthropologist with access to trillions of photos of people—taken over centuries and across the world—and equipped with effective tools for analyzing these photos to derive insights. What kinds of new questions can be answered?”

Brasileiro aprovado em Stanford aprendeu a programar aos 11 anos - Ana Carla Bermúdez Do UOL, em São Paulo 09/04/2017 (site - orçamento federal - criado por ele)

VIANNA, Hermano (blog). Inteligência Artificial Antropófaga - acessado em 30/10/2017

Critical Algorithm Studies: a Reading List -Social Media Collective (curadoria de temas relacionados aos algoritmos)

O algorítmo é mais embaixo – Tatiana Dias (texto) Sollen Robic, Marcelo Gerab (direção de arte) – TAB(UOL), 16/04/2018

Big Data Sociology: Preparing for the Brave New World- by Hamish Robertson and Joanne Travaglia. The Sociological Review (blog). Sunday 29th October, 2017

Como uma nova série em app pretende mudar a forma como se assiste televisão Rafael Iandoli - Nexo - 09 Nov 2017

O robô programado para afastar moradores de rua tomou uma sova e foi demitido - Por: Renan Lopes

GIZMODO, 17 de dezembro de 2017

Algoritmos e cosmopolíticas - Amanda Jurno e Carlos d’Andréa, Piseagrama, março de 2018

Beta , a robô feminista

A Distopia do Algoritmo: o streaming está matando a arte da música? -Drew Millard -Dez 5 2017, 8:00am (Os algoritmos não só estão mudando a maneira como escutamos música, mas também a maneira como compomos.)

A distopia do 'me fala o CPF' nas farmácias do Brasil - Brunno Marchetti - VICE,fev 15 2018

A importância dos CODECs e PLUGINS.

"And Then There Was Salsa" Vimeo Experience from The Lovich's on Vimeo.

Mapa de Tendências 2017 n0 Medium - Laboratório de Tendências Digitais da PUCPR

Clarity begins with Kumu. - Kumu is a powerful data visualization platform that helps you organize complex information into interactive relationship maps. (Visualização de dados)

Amor artificial - Tendências Digitais - Lucas Bressan - 23 apr.

<a href="">Close-Up Bot</a>


<a href="">El 'software' español que puede detectar en minutos si Pedro Sánchez plagió su tesis</a>

<a href="">Um jeito diferente de contar a História com novas mídias</a> (Future History Lab)